Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thing 2: Library 2.0

I am in my second year as a school librarian. I finished my master's degree last year while working for the first time in my library. it wasn't unitl recently that I even felt like I had time to begin the process of understanding web 2.0.... I know, I am a librarian and should be on the leading edge! But unitl this year I was so unfamiliar that I was sinking. Now I am at least begininning to tread water!
Library 2.0, to me, is becoming relevant to our patrons. We live in a technology driven society and unless libraries keep up the fear that libraries may be replaced may come true. However, I feel if we can make technology work for us there is job security and a place for the fabulous resources that we have to offer. I love that I can easily collaborate with the librarians in my school district, state, and country through blogs, google documents, blackboard, etc. Not only can I help my patrons more I can help myself and save so much time!!!
Thank you to all of my fabulous library friends that I know personally and those that I "blog-stalk" who put their ingenious ideas on their blogs for us all to see!

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